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Het Ontstaan

Het ontstaan van het tchoukballspel in Zwitserland.

Dr Hermann Brandt ontwierp het tchoukballspel. Hoe dat gebeurde, lees je in de onderstaande engelse basistekst van de FITB-website.






Hermann Brandt was an eminent Swiss biologist. It was through his research into the effects of physical activities that the idea of Tchoukball had its foundation.

Dr Brandt noticed that many sports produced shocking injuries that stopped even the toughest of athletes from participating further. After discussing these concerns in the book 'From Physical Education to Sport Through Biology', Dr Brandt presented his now famous paper 'A Scientific Criticism of Team Games'. This won him the coveted 'Annual World Prize of the FIEP' (International Physical Education Federation).

Within this paper, Dr Brandt explored ways in which to construct the perfect team game whilst paying heed to his key concern of reducing injury. The practical expression of his ideas, stemming from his critical study of existing games, is the game we have come to know as TCHOUKBALL. This strange-sounding name comes from the 'tchouk' sound of the ball rebounding from a tchoukball frame. Dr Brandt felt this would be universally accepted. He died in November, 1972, but not before he saw some of his high hopes realised.

Most games can be traced to humble beginnings and periods of slow development before becoming established as a national and international sport. Tchoukball is no exception. It has taken time and patience to convince people that this unique game is truly a 'Sport for all', but now all the signs indicate that the message is getting across. During the 1980s, Taiwan took tchoukball to a different level, with substantial investment making it the 3rd sport of Taiwan and producing consistently over 100 teams for their national championships. Switzerland and Great Britain, 2 founder countries of the F.I.T.B (the game's governing body) cemented the international presence of tchoukball in Europe, and Italy is now developing the game at an extremely fast rate.

The FITB now has a growing membership comprising of enthusiastic hard working volunteers achieving amazing things to promote and diffuse tchoukball throughout the world. The future for tchoukball is bright, and Dr Brandts vision of uniting nations through a peaceful and spectacular sport is now closer to reality.

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